Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Injustice of the Justices

Suppose a justice, appointed for life, is found to be certifiably insane, and is removed from the bench and hospitalized for observation and treatment. How can this seat be vacated so this person can be replaced without going through a long and drawn out impeachment process ? Now mulitply this problem by five and you realize the situation facing the nation. These people are literally involved in making life and death decisions, they are the death squad Palin has warned us about. They have put all of us at risk, the whole country, our democracy. How now can we get rid of them ?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am Still here

i see i haven't blogged since august. i have plenty to write about, but i've just been busy. So i will get back to this asap.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Important Things

This week I'm at the beach. Congress is on vacation, the president is going on vacation, I might as well too. I'm here with family, my son and daughter and their families. Seven of ten grand children. It's great. So, no health care issues, no discussion of war... More about sunscreen, walking to boards, whose turn is it to fix dinner, where is Max?, Henry? Sarah? You get the idea. Important things. The most important things.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Town Meetings on Health Care Reform

During their August recess many members of the House of Representatives are meeting with their constituents in Town Hall Meetings. This is normal practice. What is not normal are the disruptive gangs of thugs who are disrupting the meetings held by Democratic House members. These thugs have been organized by Boehner and Cantor, the Republican henchmen, in their futile attempt to discredit and disrupt the right of others to exercise their freedoms of assembly and speech.

Of course,
Boehner and Cantor deny all of this, but everyone knows exactly who is behind it. Funny how that works.

The truth is that our country desperately needs reform in providing health care for all Americans. We need it ASAP. It is about time the Republican stop playing politics and try to begin helping solve the problems, most of which originated with their leadership in the Congress and White House.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Obama Beer

Hey, I'd enjoy a beer with the president too! Will beer belly diplomacy cure racial sensitivity in the United States? No, probably not. I think Gates and Crowley were overly sensitive; both should have cooled it. I do not think there was any racial profiling. They, and the rest of us, should really move on.

But I'm open to meeting with the president to discuss my views on other problems we face... over a beer, of course

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Supremes - Win some; Lose some

The Supreme Court ruled correctly that the white firemen were discriminated against in Connecticut when the test for advancement was thrown out because no blacks passed the test. The test wasn't at fault, everyone had the same chance to pass it.

The Court also ruled correctly in restricting strip searches of teenagers. That action in Arizona was way over the line. The court erred in not allowing the girl to sue the principal and others who carried out the harassment.

The Court erred in ruling that inmates are not entitled to DNA evidence that would prove their innocence. Certainly they would not without such evidence from the prosecution. This ruling is one of the most egregious ever. The whole idea of the justice system is to achieve justice. This ruling is criminal !!!

Michael Jackson - RIP

I'm not much of a Michael Jackson fan. His story is all over the media right now so I need not review. What I haven't read about is the one thing I admire about MJ, "We Are the World." Along with Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones, they wrote and produced one heck of a song that raised a lot of money for hunger in Africa. The invited and coerced so many big name stars to set aside money and ego to join them on that stage. Some stars didn't even get a solo part, but there they were, part of the chorus. It was well done. It was superb; it was wonderful. Thank you for that.